Thank you for everyone who was worried about me. I'm here just life is kind of full at the moment. Unfortunately I don't have much time for scrapbooking or the blog. I had it nicely planned to upload not only kits I make but also my layouts that I have made or will make. Well this won't happen now either. However Eralilla surprised me with a blog award. I thank you although I don1t know how I earned it. But I'm still very honoured.

1. Tedd ki a díjat a blogodra
2. Linkeld be azt, akitől kaptad a díjat.
3. Nevezz meg legalább 7 blogot
4. Hagyj üzenetet a díjazottaidnál
And the rules are:
1. Put the award on your blog.
2. Include a link to the person who gave you the award.
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.
4. Leave a message on their blog letting them know they have an award on your blog.
Nos, tehát kinek is szeretném továbbadni? (Remélem, még egyiküknek sincs meg...)
So, to whom shall I pass it to? (I hope none of them has it yet...)
Ha minden igaz, nemsokára újra jelentkezem egy készlettel.
If all is going well I'm soon back with a freebie kit.
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